- Elwynn 1-10
- Dun Morogh 1-10
- Tirisfal Glades 1-10
- Loch Modan 10-20
- Silverpine 10-20
- Westfall 10-20
- Redridge 15-25
- Duskwood 18-30
- Hillsbrad Foothills 20-30
- Wetlands 20-30
- Alterac Mnts. 30-40
- Arathi Highlands 30-40
- Stranglethorn Vale 30-45
- Badlands 35-45
- Swamp of Sorrows 35-45
- The Hinterlands 40-50
- Searing Gorge 43-50
- The Blasted Lands 45-55
- Durotar 1-10
- Mulgore 1-10
- Darkshore 10-20
- The Barrens 10-25
- Stonetalon Mountains 17-27
- Ashenvale Forest 18-30
- Thousand Needles 25-35
- Desolace 30-40
- Dustwallow Marsh 35-45
- Feralas 40-50
- Tanaris Desert 40-50
- Aszhara 45-55
- Teldrassil 1-10
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