
Illidan strategy in pictures



I've always wandered how many players I'm playing with on the actual server. Now I've found a decent web site which tries to keep track of the population on the different servers. Unfortunately there is not enough data for my server, but I think I'll give the mod a try to help their work.

Nonetheless there are some data which I've been suspecting for a long time. The Horde/Alliance ratio is 1:1.9


However, there is serious discrepancy between the numbers listed there. According to the page , there has been only 1316 characters found. Nonetheless a page above that clearly states that there are 9911 accounts using the server (I assumed there were approximately 10k people on the server). If I add up this 9911 with all the other servers I get more than 2 million players in Europe, which was the claimed number from Blizzard's side too.

I can see furthermore, that there are 9 characters with the name Awender


However there is only one on level 70


That's me :p

And there's one character I've created which has a unique name in the WoW universe - Martell don't share it!

Server activity is what I really expected. Best time to farm is at 5 o'clock in the morning. Usually that time I rarely meet anybody, just some people hanging around in IF too.



Vashj tactic - same guild :)

Leotheras the blind - tactic in a funny way :)

From the australian guild Nocturnus Vexillari (http://www.nvguild.org/)

Funny but it teaches you everything you need to know about the fight.


Kael'thas down - Dragonblight - Aventura

Martell always asked me about the chances of killing Kael. For the last week he was quite disappointed, because I told him I see no chance at all yet, just for a stable phase four.

Before Sunday's raid he asked me again and I told him we could mayhap prevail. I think every raid needs somebody, who tells
out loud what went wrong and who've done the mistake. I noticed that Tiblet is very good at seeing weak points and when Tiblet is present, then the officers are more prone to accentuate problems as well.

I've seen great improvement from the side of Mortior as well, when Tiblet was not present, he did a great job telling and analyzing problems.

Yesterday night, after the second respawn I thought raid is over and we will continue the next day. Some of us were very sure of it and HS-d out during the last wipe :)

So I went back to the corridors of Tempest Keep at 22:30 and I waited for the message stopping the raid. I was more than surprised, that we'll clear the trash again and we'll try again. I knew that we will have only one chance to triumph.

The trash went down as a tree, it was simply razed by the raid. We cleared the way to Kael in 18 minutes and 50 seconds!

At the last two groups I thought something must be in the air. I saw the raid and I saw the lethal precision of our actions. That raid was determined and prepared for the fight!

To my greatest surprise I saw that everybody was fully buffed, which happened only last time on our Vashj kill. On phase one we had just one person dead, but not during the gazer phase, which meant it was an accident.

During phase two all weapons were down before the reviving.

During phase three nobody died and we killed all helpers three seconds before Kael's attack! That was the first time I was very positive about killing Kael.

We reached phase five and it was really easy. You had to swim far away from others then nuke the boss, meanwhile kill some eggs, which was just a piece of cake after phase three. My heart jubilated when I saw Kael on 5% and almost everybody alive.

When Kael died, the whole guild was in a trance, not only the members of the raid, but the ones who missed the raid as well. We made a screenshot, shared the great loot and went to Hyjal. I was first at the instance, because my hearthstone is in Gadgetzan and I found Akiz there, who left his group to Durnholde and helped me to summon the rest of the raid.

Hyjal is one of the coolest instances I've seen so far, so I'm eager to play there. We tried first encounter as well and we saw it's doable.

After Hyjal I was listening till 1 o'clock on ventrilo, because the officers and other members talked about future plans publicly. I've even dreamed about the instance that night :)

To my greatest surprise, when I logged in at 6 o'clock - before going to work - I saw five other people talking on the guild chat about yesterday's events.

Something big has been accomplished by this guild and I'm very happy I was part of it. So thank you all!


Arcane vs Fire

I've checked the link I give you all and it doesn't work today for me (lol), so try this:

This was my old arcane build. I liked it, cos I've natural inclination to arcane magic :p

I've tried the following new talent tree yesterday:

The differences I've noticed:
With the new build it's much easier to achieve high damage rate. However, I've to worry seriously about threat. During a boss fight (Prince) It was necessary to use invisibility and at the end I had to slow down a little bit.

More crits come with the fire talent, however with arcane talent I was able to reach much higher solo crits (almost double!)

Obviously I have lower dmg with arcane missiles. Now I've only 400-500 per tick. With the arcane talent I had 800-1600 per tick, average was 1200.

With the arcane talent I was able to burst the highest damage in the raid for 30-45 seconds, but then I was out of mana :)

If using fireballs with arcane talents I'm never out of mana, but obviously I've less damage as well.

With fire talent it's impossible to consume all my mana within 2 minutes. With arcane it was easy :)

However, slower mana regen rates meant difficulty for me, cos I needed more mana potions than with arcane talent. During a boss fight I used only 1-2, yesterday I used 5 during a fight and all mana gems.

I need to get accustomed to the new talent but it was good to see, that without effort I was able to have the first/second position on the damage list - which rarely occured before.

Some personal impressions about the talents:
I noticed that the arcane talent needed some finer, more subtle approach when handling situation. While fire build meant more brutal approach. :p


Ha te lennél a boss...

"Ha mob intelligens lenne, akkor nem lehetne ellene tank-okat hasznalni. Lehet hogy jo a szabalyrendszer, de arrol szol hogy kelljen a tank osztaly, nem arrol hogy mi lenne a jo."

Tételezzük fel, hogy te vagy a boss és NPC-k támadnak rád. Van egy healer és van egy tank. A tank 2-3 ezreket üt beléd, a healer meg a tankot healeli. Viszont a healer-t nem tudod utolérni, mert mondjuk köddé válik és nem látod (fade), vagy esetleg elszalad előled (kite). Vagyis melyik intelligensebb:
a) healer-t üldözni, közben tank megöl?
b) tankot ölni, miközben healer a tankot healeli és megöl?

Nehezíthetem a kérdést: Mi van akkor ha 25 vagy 40 npc támad rád? Hogyan döntenél? A döntésed mennyiben lenne intelligens? Mennyiben lennél kiszámítható? Győznél e? Létezne e győztes taktikád? Kit ütnél, a tankot, akibe 8000-eket ütsz, vagy a healer-t, aki a tankot 3-5 ezrekre healeli? Vagy esetleg a mágust, aki 2 mp alatt 10k-t sebez beléd? Vagy esetleg a warlock-ot, aki átkot szór? Vagy a rogue-ot, aki hátbaszúr? Vagy a druidot, aki HoT-ot rak?

Ha ember irányítaná a boss-t, azt hiszem könnyebb lenne legyőzni.

A boss nagy szarban van, ha rátámadnak. Valamilyen módon döntenie kell, hogyan győzzön. Ezért egy csata során az összes NPC az összes történést figyelembe veszi és aszerint dönt. Ezért is vannak külön szerverek, ahol az instance-ok zajlanak, hiszen ez óriási terhelést jelent.

WoW és Frei - reagálás SG cikkre

Ha alkalmam nyílik rá, minden nap játszok vele pár órát. A legvarázslatosabb az egészben, hogy rengeteg embert, barátot ismertem meg. Rájuk számíthatok, velük beszélhetek Ventrilo-n.

Viccelődés, vidám hangulat uralkodik a csatornán. Néha majd' lefordulok a székből olyan fergeteges a hangulat. Összetartunk, segítjük egymást. A nőkkel lovagias módon viselkedünk, önzetlenek vagyunk és nagylelkűek.

Egy igazi közösségi játék, melyen a fő hangsúlyt az emberek közötti együttműködés jelenti.

Sajnos ebből Frei és sokan - akik elhiszik hogy ő egy dokumentarista géniusz - úgy gondolják, ez egy káros, rossz dolog.

Hasznos időtöltésnek tartom. A játék erősíti a csapathoz tartozást, szociálizációt, kreatív gondolkodást, jellemet.

Sok játékost ismerek, akik pszichopata, antiszociális módon kezdtek neki a játéknak, majd közösségi hatásra rendkívüli jellemfejlődésen mentek át.


WoW - élet a játékban

Többször szó esett róla, hogy a WoW világ egyik lehetséges továbbfejlesztése az lenne, hogy a játékosok a játékban saját lakást, házat bérelhetnek, azt berendezhetik. A játékélményhez egészen biztosan hozzátenne ez a fajta új lehetőség.

Sajnos még semmit nem lehet tudni erről a beszélgetésekből leesett hírmorzsáról. A játékosok részéről felmerülő igény erős, hiszen sok idő eltöltése után a játék már szinte harmadik otthonnak nevezhető. Az RP-PVP élményt nagymértékben fokozná a lehetőség. Csak remélni lehet, hogy a lehetőségre nem kell éveket várni.


Klassz Draenei videó - Barbie Girl aláfestéssel
